The combination and program list windows

These windows contain a list of the names of the combinations and programs in a bank. The operations available for individual combinations/programs are only available by clicking in these windows and not from the menus.

To audition a combination/program, single click on its name. The Korg M1 will be switched to combination/program mode as appropriate and set to the selected combination/program number. The selected combination/program will then be transmitted to the edit buffer and can be played as normal.

To copy a combination/program, click on its name and drag it to where you want to copy it (possibly to another window). This will bring up an appropriate dialog which will give you the chance to change the source and/or destination and select what is to be copied.

When copying a combination between banks you also have the option of copying the programs that it references across with it. This is done in a smart way - programs that already exist in the destination bank are not copied and the programs that are copied are placed in the lowest numbered zero-ed out program locations in the destination bank. If the are insufficient zero-ed out locations the you will get an alert and the copy operation will be abandoned.

When copying a program within the same bank you have an option of changing all the combinations that reference it so that they reference its new location. When you drag a program to a combination list window or vice versa you may only copy the effects associated with it.

To edit a combination/program, double click on its name to bring up the appropriate editor.